Past Years

2023 Conference


General Awards

Oral Presentations

  • 1st Place: Aliza Leslie (College of Arts & Sciences) -- The Critical White Voice
  • 2nd Place: Chanel Reid (College of Arts & Sciences) -- Current Georgia State University H.O.P. E. lab combines BE & BE with Innovative warm calling programs to lessen social isolation, loneliness, depression and suicide desire (SILES) among the older adult community in a partially nested randomized control trial
  • 3rd Place: Constance Cromartie (College of Arts & Sciences) -- Activism and Altruism: Regaining autonomic control amidst repeated complex trauma

Poster Presentations

  • 1st Place: Shannon Stone (College of Arts & Sciences) -- MVA-vectored multi-antigen COVID-19 vaccines induce protective immunity against SARS-CoV-2 variants spanning Alpha to Omicron in preclinical animal models
  • 2nd Place: Charlotte Annan (College of Arts & Sciences) -- Modelling of radon transport in unsaturated soil using Hydrus 1D software
  • 3rd Place: Jannatul Ruhan Raha (Institute for Biomedical Sciences) -- Supplementation of influenza vaccine with multi-subtype neuraminidase and M2 ectodomain virus-like particles improves protection against homologous and heterologous viruses in aged mice

Creative Activity

  • Musical Performance: Arlet Tabares (College of the Arts) -- Mama Kalunga by Roisel Suárez. A solo piece for French horn.
  • Creative Excellence - Artistic Talk: April S. Davenport (College of Arts & Sciences) -- Deafening Silence
  • Creative Excellence - Artistic Display: Rachel Warren (College of the Arts) -- Fixed: A Cultural Reframing of Death through the Ephemeral Photograph

Global Engagements Awards

Oral Presentations

  • 1st Place: Monisha Jackson (College of Arts & Sciences) -- I'm not your SISTA: An Intersectional Exploration of Queer Black Women's Experiences in LGBT+ Nightlife in the United Kingdom
  • 2nd Place: Alapa Odugbo (College of Arts & Sciences) -- The Exclusion of Cultural and Religious Beliefs in Biomedical Interventions on Mental Disorder Issues in West Africa: Concerns, Implications and Ways Forward

Poster Presentations

  • 1st Place: Shannon Stone (College of Arts & Sciences) -- MVA-vectored multi-antigen COVID-19 vaccines induce protective immunity against SARS-CoV-2 variants spanning Alpha to Omicron in preclinical animal models
  • 2nd Place: Armita Ghobadi (College of Arts & Sciences) -- Do bilinguals follow first or second language in moving across spaces in speech and co-speech gesture?


Sustainability Awards

Oral Presentations

  • Logan Johnston (College of Law) -- Democratizing Electric Cooperatives for Environmental Justice
  • Christina Kiessling (College of Arts & Sciences) -- Key to Sustainable Clean Up of the Environment:  Functional Characterization of Effective Anaerobic Plastic Degradation by Geotalea daltonii
  • Safiya Miller (College of Arts & Sciences) -- Black Women's Resistance to Land Domination: Emancipation to Cop City.

Poster Presentations

  • Sumya Tasnim (College of Arts & Sciences) -- Identification of underground radon hotspots and forecast to future scenarios through space-time pattern analysis
  • Andrews Dwomoh (College of Arts & Sciences) -- Analysis of Methane Emissions at Three Rivers Solid Waste Authority Landfill.
  • Jafar Jafarov (Andrew Young School of Policy Studies) -- Air Pollution and Time Use: Evidence from India
  • Kelly Cronin (College of Arts & Sciences) -- Atlanta Road and Waterway Litter: Waterway Risk Determined by Interstate and Highway Litter Data

2022 Conference


Oral Presentations


1st Place - $500 Award

Anthony Boxleiter, Doctoral student in Chemistry and Geosciences

Presentation Title: Georgia Kaolin Clay: Rare-Earth Elements And Sustainable Mineral Resources


2nd Place $350 Award

Santana Nash, Master's student in Welch School of Art and Design

Presentation Title: African Comics in the Presence of Black Spirituality


3rd Place (Tie) $250 Awards

Sarah King, Doctoral student in Economics

Presentation Title: Does Summer School Work? Evidence from a 2021 Summer Program


Mia Milne, Doctoral student in Sociology

Presentation Title: A County-Level Analysis of Alabama's Chemical Endangerment Law on Maternal and Infant Health Outcomes



Poster Presentations


1st Place - $500 Award

Ezgi Sen, Master's student in Biology

Presentation Title: Increase in Dopamine Levels Lead to Monogamy


2nd Place (Tie) - $350 Awards


Oluwadunsin Agbolabori, Master's student in Economics

Presentation Title: Space Travel History – Visualization


Ranju Ghimire, Master's student in Chemistry

Presentation Title: Synthesis And Optical Properties Of Donor-ᴫ-Acceptor Fluorophores for Bioimaging Applications



3rd Place (Tie) - $250 Awards


Sarah Edwards, Master's student in Computer Science

Presentation Title: Georgia State University Contact Network and Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions


Lyric Hathaway, Master's student in Africana Studies

Presentation Title: Points of Entry and Existence: A Case Study Examination of East African Migrants in Clarkston, Georgia


Musical Performances


Creative Excellence - $300 Award


Sarah Griffin, Master's student in School of Music

Performance Title: Chia-Yu Hsu's Chasing Shadows (2013) for Solo Alto Saxophone



Film Presentations and Artistic Talks 

First Place - $300 Award 


Cassidy Cannon, Master's student in Art History

Artistic Talk Title: Wrapping the Flesh: Materiality of Skin(s) and Affect in Jusepe de Ribera's Paintings

Click here to view the photos from last year's conference.

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